Spiritual Life

Religious and spiritual formation is integrated into all aspects of the educational experience. We are a community that honors, celebrates, and worships God as the center of life.

Worship at the Early Childhood Campus (ECC)

Monday Meeting and weekly chapel are the heart of our school. These special times give us the opportunity to check in with each other, celebrate successes, and offer support when needed. These moments of prayer, reflection, and celebration are fundamental to our mission and faith. Engaging, meaningful, and student-centered, we welcome all to these services!

Four times a year, pre-kindergarten and kindergarten celebrate the Eucharist together. Central to our remembrance and worship of Christ is this time to gather to sing our praises, lift our prayers, and participate in receiving the body and blood of Christ. Busy Bees, our youngest pre-kindergarten students, have a separate time in their classroom until the spring, when they join the pre-kindergarten and kindergarten with their Eucharist Buddy.

Special services include the St. Francis Eucharist and Pet Blessing, Grandparents Day service, and ECC Lessons and Carols.

Any questions regarding worship at the ECC may be directed to Reina Gardner, ECC division head.

Worship at the Christwood Boulevard Campus (CBC)

We offer many opportunities for students to come together in worship. The Lower School meets twice weekly in the outdoor chapel (or in the Center of Inquiry Theater when weather dictates). Middle School and Upper School students meet weekly in the COI Theater. Family and friends are always welcome to join us!

Once a month we gather together for Eucharist (also known as Holy Communion, the Lord’s Supper, or Mass). All-school Eucharists take place in the Gym, while Divisional Eucharists are held in the COI. Episcopalians see the table as “God’s table,” where all are welcome. A person may participate fully in the sacramental life of the church, regardless of age. We leave it to the parents to decide when their child is ready to receive. Because Holy Eucharist is a special occasion, we ask that students dress appropriately.

Throughout the year, we also hold special services at both the school and at Christ Episcopal Church, including the St. Francis Animal Blessing at Bogue Falaya Park, Grandparents Day Chapel, CES Sunday at Christ Episcopal Church, Lessons & Carols, and more.

Religious Education

Beginning in pre-kindergarten and continuing through fifth grade, students take part in Godly Play. The Godly Play curriculum engages what is most exciting about religious education: God inviting us into—and pursuing us in the midst of—scripture and spiritual experience. Godly Play practice teaches us to listen for God and to make authentic and creative responses to God’s call in our lives. Children hear the stories of God’s people and are encouraged to wonder, make meaning, and develop their own voice and language to describe and nurture their spirituality. In Middle School, students begin to transition from the Godly Play classroom to a more traditional setting, but the school’s philosophy of open-ended wondering and respect for all beliefs is still at the foundation of all they learn. Middle School students learn how to put their faith into action and take some time to focus on their overall wellness. In Upper School, students spend their first two years exploring Foundational Theology, which immerses them fully into the history and major theological tenants of Christianity. In later years, the Upper School students continue to dig deeper, explore the philosophy undergirding all religious practice, and examine the major components of all of the world’s religious traditions.